Thursday, May 04, 2006

My words

I went to go see a show at one of the larger professional companies out in the East Bay tonight. A friend of mine is in the cast, and is also the casting director out there. He also lives nearby, which means that I can usually get a ride home afterwards. Huzzah! The show was quite good, but what tickled me the most was finding out that someone had recently auditioned there, using one of my monologues. He wasn't there for the audition, but the auditor afterwards mentioned that someone had done a really hilarious monologue from some new play called "Vagina Dentata." I'm assuming it's someone in the cast, although I've sent out enough copies to other actors in the area for feedback that it could have been any number of people. I think it's the nicest affirmation of my writing that I could ask for, that someone would choose a monologue from it to use as an audition piece.

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