Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A question from a non-breeder

As part of her Advent Calendar of Hilarity, Becky Haycox continues to bring the holiday funny with this photo gallery of unhappy santa visitors.

Now really, children being terrified of Santa is not news. It seems that ever since we've had department stores, we've had Santas to terrorize our young ones. What I wonder is this: Why would otherwise loving parents do something to their children that they know will turn them into terrified and screaming balls of sound? Do we so buy into the idea that this is something that you MUST do that you're willing to put your child through that? Do parents secretly *enjoy* seeing their children suffer? Do kids scream in fear so often that it no longer curdles their blood? Why not, when you can clearly see that your baby wants nothing to do with the frightening man (and really, Santa right up there with clowns on the scare-o-meter), just get out of line and walk away?

"You're going to embrace the magic of Christmas if I have to drag you kicking and screaming through the candycane fields and elf infested warrens of the north pole, and you'll like it you little monster!"

And Merry Christmas to you, too.


Anonymous said...

No clue here. I'm certainly not going to do any such thing to MY child. I'm just going to tell her that YOU'RE Santa.

Avagadro said...

We have taken the spud on two bike rides now in a bike seat. He loves/hates it. Whenever I slow down, he starts crying... while riding along at a clip he is silently taking it all in and at times seems to genuinely enjoy it. Balance his reactions with our desire to get out and live... and you get what you get. You do things for kids because you feel it is in their best interests... even if they don't see it in their 'live in the moment' mentality.
Granted... some parents are assholes.

Dan Wilson said...

Nick, I have a red turtleneck that'll work great for this! Although I look less like Santa than I did the last time you saw me.

Dave, Oh, totally! There's a definite difference between what you describe (he just likes going fast and wants to you keep going fast! also, slowing down may also feel like he's losing his balance) and doing something that really seems to have no purpose other than to torment the child.

Anonymous said...

Hi darlin! Thanks for the name checks; I'm really glad you're enjoying the advent calendar. Wish you lived closer to LA to come to my live diary readings! It appears my cringing discomfort offers entertainment to the masses. Happy holidays, sweets, see you soon. Becky