Thursday, August 24, 2006


Tonight was a rare night off, made even rarer by how I chose to spend it. I was in dire need to do my laundry, lest I be forced to walk about neither socks, nor underwear. Since my roommate was on the DSL, I decided to spend the evening off the computer entirely. I dusted. I vacuumed. I cleaned and cleaned and then cleaned some more. I still need to tackle mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors, but otherwise, the apartment is cleaner and more orderly than it's been in far too long a time. It smells nice, like lemon pledge, and everything is in its place.

Something about a clean house puts my soul at ease. It makes me happy to be here.

Of course, I'll be spending very little time here for the next few weeks. Between rehearsals, going to Santa Cruz for the weekend, and various other activities, I'll only come home to sleep. Still, for tonight, this place is perfect.

Cleaning is like writing for me. It's terribly hard to start, but once I get going, there is little more satisfying.

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