Monday, March 31, 2008

Lion's mouth

March may go in like a lion and out like a lamb, but as we enter April, I feel more like I'm putting my head in the lion's mouth.

Riches opens on Friday. This is tech week. Whee! The show is feeling good, but there's still a LOT to do.

We're continuing to find the enhanced and groovy sound of Sweetie Tanya. Dealing with personnel fluctuations there, but everything looks doable. The team was have is pretty kick ass, and that goes a long, long way.

WestEd work is kicking my ass, and just bought a new pair of shoes, so that means less flex time to address other concerns.

I won't even go into my inability to get caught up with Radiostar right now.

This is the month of crazy, plain and simple.
If you don't hear from me here, it's because I have nothing useful to say and don't feel like whining.

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