Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Crunch time

Everything is coming to a head. The Chinese Angle opens in eight days. We have five of those for rehearsal due to the holiday weekend. In many ways, we're where I'd like us to be. In some ways, we're not. A lot can happen in a week though, and it's a damn good cast. Other bits are coming together. The bar looks nice, and the stairs are halfway finished. Costumes are being assembled and we're talking hair tonight. Details, details, details.

In the midst of all this, I'm trying to get the pre-production done for Submergency. The performance isn't my concern here, but the framework. To be precise, the opening videos. I have the script and the concept. I just need to film them, and every time I've tried to do so at Radiostar, something has come up to eat up our time. Unfortunate, but if we meet this Sunday I should have no problem getting things done quickly.

What I keep forgetting is that Feedback Loop, the playwright's workshop, opens before either of these. Hayes is facilitating the first week, but I need to have various things done for him.

It's good that we have the holiday weekend. That gives me all day Saturday and Sunday to work on these issues before spending Monday helping load everything into the theatre.

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