Friday, September 12, 2008

Ramping up for election theft

It really makes me ill. McCain's camp says that our economic woes are largely psychological. This isn't news, of course, but that kind of attitude makes the following even more reprehensible.

Republicans in economically devastated swing counties are gearing up to deny people who have recently been foreclosed on the right to vote.

The argument boils down to, "if you lost your home, then you aren't a legal resident, so you don't have a polling place."

That's right, if you're hit hard by our failing economy and want change, you don't get to vote for it. Thank goodness that the Republican party is all about a smaller government that won't meddle in the affairs of its citizens. Thank goodness that they're willing to fight for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and the belief that "all men are created equal."

That, and kicking people when they're down in order to maintain their power base.

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