Thursday, May 31, 2007


am I the only person who found the internet meme of LOLCats funny for about five seconds and is now sick of it?

(for those who have not yet encountered this meme, it basically involves pictures of cats with internet haxx0r speech overlayed on it.)


Avagadro said...

Reference an online thing without linking to it?
Because I've no idea what you are talking about.

Avagadro said...

Here I am taking time to read your drops of gold written on a virtual page and you just throw careless insults at me?

I'm putting a weekend hex on you right now. I'd stay away from sharp objects for the next 48 hours if you know what's good for you.

miika said...

hee hee

I love read the sparring. But thanks for the link. (^_^)

miika said...


Reading this conversation is too funny. Thanks for the link too. (^_^)