Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The sound of things falling into place

The first draft of "'Sweetie' Tanya" is done and sent off to the musicians and those performers who have already been cast. I am by no means finished with the script, but having something with a beginning, middle and end is vastly satisfying. Now I just need for songs to come back so I can see what needs to happen before and after them and adjust the non-singing parts appropriately.

Aggressively casting 'The Chinese Angle' while keeping an eye out for people for 'Tanya' is rather peculiar. The cast requirements for the two shows are quite different, and the shows are months apart, so it isn't like I'm poaching from one project for the other one. There's no stealing from Peter to pay Paul. Still, it feels like I have this secret agenda all the time.

Of course the real secret agenda involves fleeing the country. I bought tickets today for myself and Mayu to fly to Tahiti in early July. I'm waiting to hear back from the small local airline down there for our secondary flights to Rangiora and Bora Bora. I'm not going to be bringing much with me... just a suitcase of SPF 99 lotion and a speedo. I'll be the viscous pillar walking along the beach.

1 comment:

miika said...

A viscuous white pillar in a speedo? How interesting.....I'll bring my melanin and a two-piece.