Sunday, January 06, 2008


Some amazing press is coming out for the show, so I thought I'd share a bit of it.

We have a lengthy article in Backstage magazine, which can be found online here.

An excerpt:
"In San Francisco's artsy Mission District, theatre experimentalists stage premieres in hole-in-the-wall spaces, mostly for youthful, adventurous audiences. One such company, Cassandra's Call Productions, is mounting an original musical "for people who don't go to a lot of musicals," says company founder Dan Wilson. The venue, a tiny black box called the Dark Room, is known for campy adaptations of films and TV shows.

Even so, "Sweetie" Tanya: The Demon Barista of Valencia Street is different. A modern-day Sweeney Todd meets Monster (the film about serial man-killer Aileen Wuornos), it departs from tradition in that writer-director Wilson engaged 13 songwriters, including himself and music director Dave Malloy, to create the score."

The article is more about the process, since all the interviews were done about halfway through the rehearsal process.

A full on review is offered up by Chloe Veltman of the SF Weekly.

"There's a ghoulish little musical by the name of "Sweetie" Tanya: The Demon Barista of Valencia Street playing at The Dark Room in San Francisco's Mission District and it's terrific black-box stuff for all kinds of reasons.

This musical is a spoof of Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd, involving an unhappy San Francisco barista's bloodthirsty way of coping with difficult customers. But it takes on such a life of its own, that the relationship with the source material feels more like the seed of inspiration for the show than its overbearing shadow."

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