Monday, February 21, 2011

Inching forward

I love telling stories, be it as an actor, an improvisor, a director, or a writer. That said, the process of writing is a grueling one... even when it's not. When I sit down to write, my goal tends to be three pages a day. If I really knuckled down and treated it like a job, I could probably do 12-15 a day. Of course, I don't. I spend lots of time thinking about the story, and about the characters, and where they're heading and where they've been, but actually putting fingers to keyboard is an ongoing struggle.

This is hardly news. Ninety five percent of writers would say something very similar.

I recently figured out how Mammals in Collision ends. Like 411, so many years ago, the ending of this play has eluded me for years, and as a result it sat untouched in the recesses of my mind. Now that I have a final moment to work towards, you'd think that I'd be leaping at the chance to get it written down.

But look, I'm doing a blog entry.

Today is a holiday, and I hope to at least finish act II today. Procrastination tools involve books, housework, the dog, personal hygiene, Radiostar, and (of course) the X-Box. Maybe if I write in this space that I'll have act II done by 5pm, I'll actually get it done.

Let's see together, yes?

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