Friday, March 02, 2007

opening and healings

I am feeling considerably better today, although I would not refer to myself as "healthy". Still, I am functioning as well without drugs today as I was with them yesterday. Nyquil is unspeakably nasty, but terribly effective in shutting me down so hard that my body can go into hard core repair mode.

The show opened last night, and it had remarkably few glitches in it! Two slightly-off light cues. A couple of flubbed lines, nicely covered. The laughter was subdued, but present, which is appropriate for the piece. It's ostensibly a thriller, but we found a good amount of humor in it. Still, it's complex enough that I could almost hear the audience leaning forward, paying attention to each detail as it was revealed. I'm pleased with it, and look forward to the comparative ease of the next three shows.

I'll actually get to watch the first two pieces tonight, which will be nice, although I'll never see the one that immediately precedes us. That's a shame, but what I get for taking on the role of the butler.

Three more days of Vial, and then it's done. On Tuesday we begin rehearsals for "Nothing in the Dark" and three more weeks of discovery.

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