Thursday, March 30, 2006


I got an email from an old acquaintance who I haven't seen in a few years. She's working for a real estate developer now, and they're pre-selling condos over at Jack London Square. Not exactly where I want to live, but I looked over the prices and floorplans and felt a pull in my gut.

To own or rent, that is the question.

I looked into condos a few years back and just flat out couldn't afford it. I feel a bit stretched for cash right now as well, but that's because I'm still paying off Manumission, gearing up for Vagina Dentata, maintaining the rehearsal room, and just got back from Italy. It isn't that I'm not making enough money to save up for a down payment, but that I'm spending it all.

I struggle with this every now and then. To lay low for a few years and get a place of my own, or to throw everything I have into my art. This email today, it set me off again. Why not dedicate my efforts to getting *other people* to produce my work, to make the financial investments, to take the risk?

Why not, indeed?

It comes down to the simple fact that I'm not much of a businessman. I don't want to find, organize, gather, and account for money. I have it, so I spend it, and hopefully I make most of it back. That's the amount of financial acumen I possess. Everything else in my brain goes towards the art. Fulfilling, but not very efficient.

So, fine. I need to change patterns. Change behaviors. But when? How?

Hey all you crazy cats out there. Who wants to be my business manager?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How much are you willing to pay? :)

Seriously, though, as a new homeowner, it's a little financially difficult in this first year. But it's nice not to have to throw my money away to a landlord, and I think it'll be worth it in the long run. A lot of factors to weigh. I could discuss it with you if you want.

I suppose I should manage my own business before managing someone else's, though.